The Studii şi Cercetări de Antropologie journal (ISSN 2344-2824; ISSN-L 0039-3886) subscribes to the international principles and standards regarding the editors, reviewers and authors, established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Abstracts previously published in other reviews or in other languages will not be taken into consideration.

The author(s) shall assume the responsibility that the electronic document is complete and correct before sending it, after having it revised and accepted.

Authors shall assume responsibility for the correct language and the quality of the translations. Studii şi Cercetări de Antropologie journal recommends spelling rules set forth in International Webster’s Dictionary.

The circuit, the evaluation stages of the abstracts sent for publication, resulted from the participation to the conferences organized by “Francisc I. Rainer” Institute of Anthropology, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania, together with the collaborators, are the following.

1. The abstracts (written in English) should be word-processed and sent BY SISTEM UNTIL APRIL 15, 2025, ONLY TO ONE of the following addresses, depending on their field of expertise.

Technical reviews/editors:

  2. The abstracts are listed with a registration number and the date of their reception.

3. In order to maintain the anonymity during the ensuing evaluation stages, the name of the specialized editor is coded.

4. The reviews are verified with respect to the instructions for the authors, the editing requirements, the ethical and bioethical norms, as well as regarding the main subject for the profile of the journal/conference. In case the abstracts do not respect these conditions, the Technical Editors must send them back to the author in order for them to solve the identified problems. The author has 10 days to solve them.

If the above mentioned aspects prove to be correct, the Technical Editors send the reviews to one of the specialized editors, depending on their field of expertise.

Specialist Editors:

5. If the chief editor, the assistant chief editor and the specialist editor find that the abstract does not comply with the publication conditions, the abstract will be rejected. The reasons for rejection are the following:

  • The failure to comply with the Authors guidelines requirements;
  • Scientific errors;
  • A lack of respect for the ethical and bioethical norms;
  • Subjects that do not comply with the profile of the review/conference.

The rejection is communicated to the authors in maximum 10 days after submission through an online message by the specialized editor, detailing the reasons that lead to rejection.

6. The abstract that complies with the general conditions mentioned at point 5 passes to the Peer-Review. The two designated specialists are chosen from the Scientific Editorial Board or from the Scientific Committee of the Conference. The name of the specialists who evaluate the article is only known to the chief editor, the assistant chief editor and the specialized editors. The specialists will send the evaluation and the remarks within a maximum of 10 days to the specialized editor. If the abstract is refused, the author will be informed of the reasons for rejection by the specialized editor.

If the opinions of the peer review differ significantly, the presence of a third expert is solicited.

7. The accepted abstracts that require modifications will be sent to the author by the specialized editor, followed by the comments and remarks of the two specialists; the authors need to answer within a maximum of 10 days after the respond.

8. The reviews, along with modifications made by the authors, are sent by the specialized editor to the two specialists who are required to submit the new evaluation and personal comments within a maximum of 10 days. If the specialists assess that the author was not able to solve the reported problems, the abstract is rejected from publication. The decision is communicated to the author by the specialized editor.

Upon the publication of the results, the following rules are to be respected:

  • An author must only sign a single abstract as primary author in the same conference (the same volume of SCA);
  • The publication is prioritized according to the coverage level of the sections contained by the SCA;
  • Abstracts of high relevance regarding health topics are prioritized.

The average time between the submission and the publication of the abstracts is not higher than 8 months.

After evaluation, carried out independently by two specialists, the abstracts written in English will be published in the online journal, Studii şi Cercetări de Antropologie (ISSN 2344-2824; ISSN-L 0039-3886) [https://www.journalstudiesanthropology.ro/ro/home.html]

The participation and publication fee for the accepted abstracts in the journal Studii şi Cercetări de Antropologie is 20 euros.

The fee is on the abstrat and will be transferred by the author of the correspondence.

Professors, researchers, doctors, psychologists, sociologists as well as master’s and doctoral students are welcome.

Master’s and doctoral students, young practitioners and clinicians benefit from a deduction from the publication fee, they will have to pay 15 euros.

The payment will be made only after the abstract(s) is/are accepted for publication by the correspondence author of the abstract(s).

Authors of conference abstracts are invited to submit articles in extenso, but this is not mandatory.

The Authors guidelines for publishing articles in extenso, accompanied by a 250-word abstract, can be found here



After the reviewing process conducted by two independent specialists, the accepted articles in extenso, accompanied by a 250-word abstract, will be published in the online journal, Anthropological Researches and Studies (ISSN 2360-3445; ISSN-L 2360-3445).

The publication fee for the reviewed in extenso articles, accompanied by a 250-word abstract, resulted from this conference, and accepted to be published in the journal Anthropological Researches and Studies (ISSN 2360-3445; ISSN-L 2360-3445) is only 90 euros. (Volume number 16/2026).(Journal indexed in SCOPUS, APA PsycInfo, DOAJ, ERIH PLUS, CEEOL, Crossref, Erichplus, etc).

Articles in extenso, accompanied by a 250-word abstract, written in English should be word-processed and sent BY SISTEM until 31th July 2025, depending on the domain, ONLY TO ONE of the addresses mentioned above.

The payment will be made only after the article is accepted for publication, by the corresponding author of the article.