Call for Abstracts (in English) until April 15, 2025 – conferences
Studii şi Cercetări de Antropologie Journal (ISSN 2344-2824; ISSN-L 0039-3886)
Title, Authors, and Affiliation
Titles must include relevant and sufficient information in relation to the body of the manuscript. The title must be 10-20 words in length and must not contain abbreviations.
Provide a full list of authors. Each author should be listed with their first (given) and last name(s) (surname). Capitalize the first letter of each author’s first and middle name(s). Write each author’s last name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS (UPPERCASE).
Mention each author’s institutional affiliation (university, faculty, department, hospital, or other).
Submissions must include a corresponding author with valid contact information (e-mail address and phone number).
Structure your abstract following this sequence:
Material and Methods. Provide clear, coherent, precise, and verifiable data on the researched topic, sample structure, and evaluation criteria;
Results. Choose the most relevant findings, preferably expressed in numbers and statistically evaluated;
Conclusions. Main thoughts, limitations, and/or recommendations;
Keywords: list 3-5 keywords for indexing purposes; separate the keywords by semicolon; end the list with a dot.
For biomedical research, please use INDEX MEDICUS and MEDLINE databases.
Studii şi Cercetări de Antropologie Journal recommends spelling rules set forth in International Webster’s Dictionary.
Do not use paragraph indentation when formatting your abstract.
Abbreviations are NOT accepted in the title and should be avoided in the abstract. In-text abbreviations must be explained in parentheses (round brackets) at their first occurrence. Only standard abbreviations are accepted (check the AMA manual). For expressing measurements, it is recommended to use the International System of Units.
Abstract Submission Instructions
International online Conference:
Individual, Family, Society – Contemporary Challenges, 6th edition, 6 and 7 October, 2025
Common conditions both for the abstracts that are based on a field research and for the abstracts that are based on reviews and updates, theoretical research, viewpoints are the following:
- writing as close as possible to the 450 word limit; keep in mind that elements like title, authors, institutional affiliation, abstract, and keywords must cover but not exceed one page;
- submitted abstracts are written in academic English; all abstracts must be proofread prior to submission;
- abstracts submitted should be an original piece of work, must be standalone;
- the abstracts must say something that has been done, not something that will be done;
- there may even be literature reviews, content analysis around 8-10 interviews or more, or 5-6, case studies with psychotherapeutic or counseling intervention etc;
- the abstract should not include vague or subjective sentences; instead of writing “in my paper I will argue that…”, or “I selected for this work…”, or “we analyze theoretically”, the author is encouraged to use more impersonal phrases such as “this study argues that…”, or “were selected for this work…”, or “theoretical analyses reveal that… ” will be used;
- the abstract will not contain unexplained abbreviations or acronyms;
- the abstract will not include references;
- the title of the abstract will be centered and in bold;
- insert a gap line below the title, followed by the FAMILY NAME (capital letters) and the given name(s) of the author(s) and the institutional affiliation(s) and email address of each contributor; in the case of multiple authors, a corresponding author must be indicated; each element must be entered on a separate row and each row must be centered;
- abstract structure (see the example below) will be in bold;
- use the following font formatting: Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1.0, without paragraph;
- page setting: Top, Bottom, Left, and Right – 2,5 cm, Gutter – 0 cm, Gutter position – Left.
Abstracts that are based on a field research should be structured as follows:
Material and methods.
After a blank line Keywords: 3-5 separated with semi-colon (;) keywords end with a dot (bold, font size 12).
Abstracts that are based on reviews and updates, theoretical research, viewpoints can be structured more freely. However, the abstract should be factual and present the objective of the study, methods, key findings, and the main conclusions.
Also, after the abstract there should be written 3–5 Keywords, separated by semicolon (;) all ended with a dot (bold, font size 12).
The abstracts that do not satisfy the above requirements will be returned to the author(s).
Examples of standard text formatting can be found in the previous Conference volume, 7/2021, here:
Abstracts, in English, should be word-processed and sent by system until April 15 2025 to ONLY ONE of the following addresses (depending on the editor’s field of expertise).
Technical reviews/editors:
- LUNGA Robert, cultural anthropology, sociology, qualitative research methods, psychology, e-mail:
- FORȚU Andreea-Cătălina, cultural anthropology, sociology, qualitative research methods, psychology, e-mail:
- DINA Maria-Miana, biomedical anthropology, medicine, psychology,
- CIURBEA Flavia-Elena, biomedical anthropology, medicine, psychology,
- STAN Cristina-Ana, biomedical anthropology, medicine, psychology, e-mail:
After evaluation process, carried out independently by two specialists, the abstracts written in English will be published in the online journal, Studii şi Cercetări de Antropologie (ISSN 2344-2824; ISSN-L 0039-3886) []
This online scientific event brings together young researchers, scientists, and academicians willing to discuss and share knowledge in the field of medicine, psychology, sociology, anthropology, and other health-related domains.
Thank you for your participation!
An example of an abstract that is based on the field research is below
Intergenerational family support in Romania
RADA Cornelia (1), POTOCOAVA Mary (2)
(1) “Francisc I. Rainer” Anthropological Institute of the Romanian Academy, e-mail:
(2) “Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timișoara, Romania, e-mail: (corresponding author)
Objectives. Parents are the most important and closest source of support for children until adulthood and even thereafter. There comes a time for the elderly when their adult children are the nearest source of support. These parent–child relationships are a natural part of the life cycle. The objective of this study was to determine Romanian intergenerational family support and the impact of sociodemographic variables on this support. Of this study are. Of this study are.
Material and methods. Between 2011–2012, data were obtained from 1215 urban and rural respondents aged 18–74 years relatively homogenously distributed in the variables of environment, sex, educational level, and age group. An omnibus questionnaire of 96 items was used, with a focus on topics related to family functioning: domestic economics, education, cohesion, solidarity and sexual reproduction. From these three items were focused on in the present study. A questionnaire was used. A questionnaire was used. A questionnaire was used.
Results. One hundred individual face-to-face interviews were conducted in the manner of recounting the life problem. From these interviews, the three sequences that addressed time were used. The main beneficiaries of support from respondents were, in descending order, parents, grandparents, siblings and grandchildren. Respondents with low and medium income provided less support to their parents (p < 0.05), grandparents (p < 0.005) and siblings and grandchildren (p < 0.001). Urban respondents provided less help to their parents (p < 0.005), grandparents (p < 0.001) and siblings (p < 0.05). Grandparents helped their grandchildren more often than their grandchildren helped them. Men are more permissive than women regarding x (p < 0.001). Men are more permissive than women regarding x (p < 0.001). Men are more permissive than women regarding x (p < 0.001). Grandparents helped their grandchildren more often than their grandchildren helped them. Urban respondents provided less help to their parents (p < 0.005), grandparents (p < 0.001) and siblings (p < 0.05). Men are more permissive than women regarding x (p < 0.001). Grandparents helped their grandchildren more often than their grandchildren helped them. Urban respondents provided less help to their parents (p < 0.005), grandparents (p < 0.001) and siblings (p < 0.05).
Conclusions. This study shows that there is no question of a lower intergenerational solidarity, but that these intergenerational participation issues are generated by the variables of family, income, and geographic proximity, among others. The main problem of intergenerational support is elderly with low income. Lives of children, adults and elderly could be improved by intergenerational collaboration for the benefit of all. Intergenerational cohesion is essential for a healthy society, especially during these uncertain times and economic challenges.
Keywords: elderly; family life cycles; grandparents; solidarity; generations.
The participation and publication fee for the accepted abstracts in the journal Studii şi Cercetări de Antropologie is 20 euros.
The fee is on the abstrat and will be transferred by the author of the correspondence.
Professors, researchers, doctors, psychologists, sociologists as well as master’s and doctoral students are welcome.
Master’s and doctoral students, young practitioners and clinicians benefit from a deduction from the publication fee, they will have to pay 15 euros.
The fee will be paid by the corresponding author only after the abstract is accepted for publication.
Specification for conference participants: authors of conference abstracts are invited to submit articles in extenso, but this is not mandatory.
The Authors guidelines for publishing articles in extenso, accompanied by a 250-word abstract, can be found here
After the reviewing process conducted by two independent specialists, the accepted articles in extenso, accompanied by a 250-word abstract, will be published in the online journal, Anthropological Researches and Studies (ISSN 2360-3445; ISSN-L 2360-3445). (Volume number 16/2026)
The publication fee for the reviewed in extenso articles, accompanied by a 250-word abstract, resulted from this conference, and accepted to be published in the journal Anthropological Researches and Studies (ISSN 2360-3445; ISSN-L 2360-3445) is only 90 euros. (Journal indexed in SCOPUS, APA PsycInfo, DOAJ, ERIH PLUS, CEEOL, Crossref, Erichplus ,etc).
The articles in extenso, accompanied by a 250-word abstract (all in English) should be word-processed and sent BY SISTEM until 31th July 2025, depending on the domain, ONLY TO ONE of the addresses mentioned above.
The payment will be made only after the extenso articles, accompanied by a 250-word abstract, are accepted for publication, by the corresponding author of the articles.